OK I think that I am a little weird....
I know that most of you already know this fact, but I think I am a little weird! I think that last week was one of the most productive weeks in my life. Why? Well, the only thing I can think that was different was that I am now using a laptop! And of course when I might have used the excuse in the past of I have no computer to work on...and now no longer an excuse...heh heh... I have got a ton of work done, because I am now working everywhere I go, Barnes and Noble, Starbucks, Panera Bread Co., you name it I can now work! And I just discovered that the Starbucks that I am in right now has free wi-fi!!! Woohoo!!! Now I can enjoy snassy Jazz music and get lots of work done, heh. And the only time I am not getting work done, I am talking with normal people and getting to know them and develop relationships with them and possibly down the road invite them to be a part of Th3 Waters! oh yeah that is just dang cool! I love my life and I live to love!

So let me tell yall what I got done last week....
Well, I would post it online, but it is all still just in its basic stages so I really don't want to post the stuff, because it is still be formed and developed, but I have finalized a beta versions of the mission, vision, and strategy (basic and leadership) of Th3 Waters!
I have had them in my head for a long time and the more times I got to share it the better it has formed...but now that I have done the heavy lifting (thinking) in my own head it is now ready to take to the newly forming future core leadership team for them to chew on what I have written so far and see what they would say or do differently! This will allow them to take ownership of Th3 Waters as well as bring more input into this awesome ministry of God! So those things have finally made it to paper (well, computer memory, heh heh) and I have been wanting to get it out some way and I finally did it! woo hoo! So... good news there!
Also, I think that the final logo for Th3 Waters is probably only 2-3 weeks away! It has been an extremely interesting process, and for an inspiring graphic/website designer and cinematographer like me it is a blast to be a part of!!!
Last Thursday the 1st OG had an attempted Seder Meal together @ our house and a great time was had by all, even if we were missing three people! The Lamb was amazing and the company was even better! We learned a lot from our resident Jewish expert, and will all be better at growing remembrance in community when we meet each week! Here is a picture of us all:

Well, that is all I can think of right now..but please keep Th3 Waters in your prayers I am meeting with new people that are excited about being a part of Th3 Waters every week and sometimes 2-3 people/couples a week that are interested!!!! So keep the prayers coming! Thank you! KUTPs!!!
Bob Porter: Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately.
Peter Gibbons: Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been *missing* it, Bob.
-Office Space
I don't get "Bob" stuff--is it like a continuing comment?
I try to end each post with a movie quote. This movie quote is from Office Space, and at the very begining of the post I commented about how much work I have gotten done with the new laptop, and work is somehting that I am not missing, because I have found joy in the very stuff that I woul dnever "miss". I know I was streaching it....but it fits with the post title as well, heh!
"Yeah Peter, I'm gonna need you to come in this weekend. Thanks. That would be great."
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