Another week and more excitement!

Have you ever felt like you are trying to cause a river to flow and then realize that you are on a boat flowing with it? Seeing that there is very little need to paddle and you can relax and just be amazed at how it is all happening around you while you are not having to be creating the flow?
Well, that is exactly how I am feeling with The Waters right now. It is just so crazy to see how God is working things out left ad right and it just seems like when you thought God gave you a role of leadership, He helps you realize that he is the one leading, and sometimes you just have to keep up. Ha ha ha...
Well, not too much has changed, but it is amazing how yesterday when I was meeting with Bryan Sims (my and The Waters' ministry coach/partner) how all these things that we need to do are already done it is just a matter of getting them down somewhere and some how so that others can see the beginnings of the vision for/of The Waters. The vision and mission are already alive and living and in most cases something that would normally be painful and agonized over the course of months just comes nature with me and al those a part of The Waters and the OGs. Brian was asking me about the vision and I shared with him how I saw it so far and he said that is exactly what it should e and then I shared the working mission and he said the same.... It is almost as if when we are truly passionately following God we just speak what we are experiencing with God and it becomes who we are and exactly what God has intended for us to be.
I think I tend to think that it has got to be harder than this or that I am not putting in enough time with figuring this stuff out...but God then shows me that the only way it will be realized and known is to be closer in relationship with God and then it just becomes who you are individually and in community. Then it is the life you live that becomes the perfect vision and mission for what God is creating you to be! It is just awesome, and we are so blessed to be a part of it!
Not much is new on the The Waters front (ha ha ha)...other then a lot of the what i would call busy work is slowly getting done and it actually tons of fun doing it!
So I guess just keep praying how yall are praying because The Waters is really starting to come into fruition!
In the 1st OG last week we met and the Cinci deaf community surrounded us in Starbucks! It was a little distracting for us, but it was just amazing to see an entire community gather just like us to enjoy one another and to speak with their hands and to listen with their eyes. Something I think we should all learn from! But we knew that this night no one would give us dirty looks if we got to loud with our laughter, heh heh....and another amazing part of what happened was John (some guy that was listening to our conversation) was interested in our discussion and listened in for a while and even joined in the discussion! We are starting to see some proof of the experiment possibly working and being what we felt God desired to be for the world. John hopes to join us in a few weeks when he can!
The 2nd OG (made up mostly of Florence UMC people and that will most likely become the possible future OG discussion leadership) met for their second party last Saturday and we had a great time and we even allow the children to participate and that part of the experiment seemed to work excellent, as well! We got to know one another much better and the majority of them decided to start the normal OG 1st 8 weeks weekly commitment starting the Saturday after Easter!
So we are still on schedule to probably throw a few parties in the summer and then have them start their 8 weeks around August!
I have also found a ton of individuals that have experience with Apple computers and especially with the software and camera work needed to film the OG scripture discussion that is a ton of help! I know that I am the type of person that will spend weeks working on the computer and forget to do other really important stuff, heh. So great news and once again God just keeps providing all of the time!
Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. We need them all and are very excited about what God may have in store with us all! Until next time..... KUTPs!
"Phillipe: I know I promised, Lord, never again. But I also know that YOU know what a weak-willed person I am."
"weak-willed" could sum up a lot of us, huh? ;)
Wonderful--wonderful--that's what God's working is doing. Hang in there, all you giving love waters people, with lots of pray and God will always give you his peace.
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