What-up my OG?
set- 1 word with 50 different meanings!
Isn't it funny how important language is? It ultimately boils down to communication, but I surprise myself all the time, as of late to how important it has become to me. I find myself sitting down and actually thinking about what to call things and how it could be interrupted. And yes, I know from how I speak most people would not have ever thought that I actually thought about what comes out of my mouth, heh...but communication and meaning are so very important to how perception is developed in this world. That is why it takes businesses and movie executives years to come up with a name that they think will best communicate the intended perception of what they are developing.
Well, 2 weeks ago I was sitting with my Thursday Cultural Architects discussion group (btw I just did the whole think about what words I should use, heh) and was sharing with him about the vision for The Waters. And he mentioned to me that there was a woman in or around Seattle, WA that is doing something similar to The Waters and that she does something interesting with her use of words when it comes to describing who they are. When she talks to Christians or church attending people she uses different words to explain what she is doing and being and then to non-Christians she has a different language. My fellow Cultural Architect Aaron then told me that he wondered if I might need to do the same with The Waters. I then started to run down the road of word meanings and how important it was to everyone when perceiving The Waters.
In a perfect world it would be great to come up with words that could be understood and perceived by both Christians and non-Christians alike. And to tel you the truth, I believe that it is a sad state that non-Christians in the world would not understand the words and language of most Christians. I think that is a sad state of affairs that the church has lost so much contact with the world (that it should be developing relationships with) that it has a difficult time talk to the very world that it should be listening to and loving, and communicating with.
So, I invite everyone who reads this blog and knows about the Waters to join the word/meaning discussion. What do you think The Waters is trying to "be"? Do you think that you can explain it to your Christian friends or what about for your non-Christian friends? Would we use different words for explanation in the south than we would in the north, or west and east? Or are you a little like me and believe that there is power in mystery when it comes to words, because mystery causes discussion and with discussion comes relationship?
Something to ponder and I invite all of you to comment your thoughts about it all. Thanks!
Well, This Friday will be the start of the first 8 week commitment from the first OG (Organic Gathering). We are all very excited about how it will go and hope that the community will continue to grow in relationship and maybe find a few new insights into what this book called The Bible (specifically the writer called John) is saying about the guy called Jesus and his miraculous signs. So needless to say, we might all be turned into wine after tonight (ha ha get it...The Waters into wine, ha ha...Ok sorry I had to say it even if it was a bad pun)
Also soon I will be meeting with two of the wonderful people who have mentioned that they are interested in opening up their houses to a few parties in the summer, so please be in prayer for them. It is amazing how busy the "church" makes so many people that when we ask them to throw a party that they get stressed about how it will happen and forget to have fun serving God....(what serving God is supposed to be fun? your kidding right? nope...as a matter of fact the one requirement of all of The Waters is that the parties in their planning and implementation must be fun...if it stops being fun...then a reminder will have to be made or the pause button will be pressed, heh heh)
Lastly please be in prayer for the people who are a part of Florence United Methodist Church who are supporting The Waters. From the praying people to the cooks, life seems to be forcing a lot of people to shove The Waters into the stress pot called life, and the last thing God desires is for a ministry for him to be another stress in people’s life. "Free us for joyful obedience" is what UM's say in communion, and that is exactly what we desire for The Waters to be joyful serving God in all that we are and do. So, please keep us all in your prayers!
Your love and prayers matter to us and that is why we pray for anyone who reads this blog to be blessed as well, so go live your life today at the very least knowing that we are praying blessings on you, so that you in turn can be blessings to others!
Donald Sinclair: I can do whatever I want. I'm eccentric. Grrrrrrrr!!!
-Rat Race
I love this movie and that quote is so short, but tons of meaning and "perception". heh.
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