Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cold weather forces warm community...

I just ran outside this morning and man it was cold...and it looks to be even colder on Thursday morning. And as I ran this morning I noted that the only way that I would have ever come out of my bed early and drive to a track and run in the morning in 27 degree weather would be because I had a community that would meet me there. If John and Brian would not have been there to meet me I would not have gotten out there...I know myself well enough to know that this would be the case...and honestly I think that that is true of a lot of people in this world. When life gets a little cold..Sometimes the best thing in the world is a nice big warm cup of steaming community! That is exactly what we desire for The Waters to be in the lives of people! A Christ centered community that helps when life gets cold and hard, we surround each other in true community and grow warm together and constantly be inviting others into the community gatherings.


The Waters update is not huge...but we do have a few changes in our immediate future:

1. Roseanna is having a few life difficulties during this part of the year, so she has graciously let me know that she will not be as available to coordinate the parties. So please be praying for her... she has done so much work already for the Waters and we can not ever express our appreciation and love for what she has already done for God and his Waters.) Roseanna if you read this we love you and thank you sooooo much for all your help and you and yours are all in our prayers and love!)

2. I plan on meeting with two of the host home owners sometime soon to finalize a few dates and brainstorm or pick a few party themes...so that is going great!

3. We are hoping that once people experience the fun and ease of the parties that others will start to desire to throw a few more so please be in prayer about that.

4. It is slowly becoming our goal to be able to start the 8 week commitment with each organic gathering in August...and in a perfect world we could have 4-5 OGs meeting on a regular weekly basis sometime around August...because it just seems natural as summer is drawing to a close and lives are starting to settle down that it would make sense for families to set up a weekly OG to be a part of and get it down in their calendars.

5. The OG that is currently meeting will start our 8 week weekly gathering Jan. 24th...so we would love prayer for that amazing time of God's love and grace to see The Waters begin to flow at least in one OG for the time being!!!!


So, with all that said......we are so blessed to be a part of The Waters and sing praises each day for the blessings God showers upon us!

I have met with the Website guys, and they have already started designing a "logo" and begun the work for the website...we are looking at lots of cool websites for inspiration and here are just a few of them if you would like to play around on them and see how other people have designed a few websites that are functional and cool at the same time:
8 The Project
Vodafone <--my mom would love this one and to think this is a cell phone site in the UK, heh. Digitally Branded
Jars of Clay
Pixel Gasoline

just to name a few....Please be praying for these guys...because they are very amazing..and they love to pray about us and for The Waters before they start each day...so they need our prayers so they can create a creative and innovative experience for the visitors and regular attendees to The Waters website!

Thank yall for your prayers and please keep the coming....and we could always use prayer for God to lead anyone in Florence UMC to help out with this amazing ministry for God!



Harry Burns: It is so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk.
-- When Harry Met Sally

I bet that is good warm community! Funny when you invite God in the community I believe that this could happen! God bless yall!


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