Christmas, time, money, and the lack of all three....

Well, Advent/Christmas is in full swing over here and I am blown away with how crazy this time is in the world (at least it is in the U.S.). I personally have had lots of personal things that keep popping up (ordination requirements, gifts, holiday parties, finances) that put on hold the other things I desire to do/start/finish...and then just when I sit down to work on those things something else pops up, ha ha.... I wonder if anyone else feels the same way I do, ha ha.... Of course, there are! We all feel that way sometime during work, home, play, and juggling it all together during this time of the year...but it is very important to me and to God that we stay focused and keep our dreams in the clouds, and a feet on the road...we must find a happy medium for both dreaming and putting the rubber to the road. We must keep doing and being everything that will allow God's dreams to become reality! The Waters is happening and it will happen...but we will be The Waters with God!
I continue to have great discussions with almost everyone I meet. People are starting to get the idea behind what we are doing and the people that are going to be a part of the first Organic Gathering of The Waters, and meeting people and starting to think if they should invite them to it! It is great news to see how God puts his plan not only in my mind, but in several others in the world around you! So that meeting is happening and fast! I know before I know it or not Jan 13th 7:00 pm will be here and we must have a good understanding of what God desires to do/be through us so that we can give a good idea as to what The Waters is, God's purpose for it, and what the people a part of it can expect. We know all these things right now..but it is just making sure that the core leadership people are on the same page and know what direction we are going.
I am in the process of writing an email and letter for those who have no email to all those who attending the party planning event to let them know we officially have their information and what the next steps are and a little clarification from the meeting we had in November.... currently the party planning coordinator and myself meet on a weekly basis and she is finding out from the host homes a few dates for each one of them we can put on the calendar and then start putting the right servants in the right place to make the parties happen and go smoothly!
In addition, to this I have now created email lists of al the servant leaders who are desiring to help with the parties and now we can contact a specific group at a time with email and letter! So hopefully information and communication will be a nice smooth process as the parties progress!
About the only thing we would like to get back from the servant leadership who attended the party planning a list of all the people that they are prayerfully considering to invite to the parties. These people are the "ocean" that God has placed in their lives that they already have acquaintances with for example, friends, co-workers, family, etc...that they could invite to the parties....these lists of the servant leaders with then be divided among The Waters prayer team and prayed for by name and of course those doing the inviting. This can show all those who we invite (probably down the road) that they have been prayed for by people that have no idea who they are over the past how many ever weeks or months! That is very powerful message that there is a community of people who love and care for others without direct personal contact!

So as you can see The Waters is still flowing into this world sometimes one drop at a time and others the flood gates are open...but no matter how it happens God is seeing us and directs us into the world that desperately needs community and relationship with God and others!
So please always KUTPs!!!!! and know God loves return the favor and love someone with him!
Viola de Lesseps: [as Thomas Kent] Tell me how you love her, Will.
William Shakespeare: Like a sickness and its cure together.
--Shakespeare In Love
Do you love God with the same love? Are you "in love" with God? Surely, our love for God can be greater than that of Shakespeare. Right?
Glad to know the D-day of January 14th is coming. I, too, keep praying for the "Waters to Flow". Love in Christ is to outreach in pouring into others.
Thank you and oh yeah!
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