The 1st official Organic Gathering (Tuesday the 18th) from the people out of Florence UMC starts!
Hello everyone. I have a special blog update to report this day. As many of you know the Th3 Waters is a tribe extension of Florence UMC, and even though we have started an Official Organic Gathering (OG) already, but no one that attends it fis rom Florence UMC. This OG was created to be the experiment of the experiment called Th3 Waters, heh... and now that 1st OG will be birthing at the end of the summer, so that means that we are probablty on to something here, and it is worth attempting to repeat it....(all part of our plan for world domination, ha ha (insert minaical laughter here)............(insert D.G.'s wife giving him a dirty look here)....Ok Ok so we are not interested in world domination...but we are interested in covering the world with love, grace, peace, forgiveness, all all the other good stuff of existing in The Kingdom, heh...
So....... now that it has been sucessful in one plce with one group of peple...we are excited to tell you all that on Tuesday the 18th a new OG will be throwing the first party to see if people would be interested in a social experiement of authentic community! We will be meeitng at another Starbucks...and I am very excited! Most of the people intived are being invited by one person from Florence UMC...but that just goes to show you how potientially powerful relationship sare in our lives! So....I beg of you all please be in prayer for Th3 Waters that tonight..and know that I love you all sooo much!
Oh and I forgot to tell yall...that even though I do not have any photos to show yall....the website is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am telling yall that if Design District can pull off the ideas that we have together...then this website will be amazing design..and great navigation! Seriously.... I really think they will be able to win a few awards for the website they are creating with Flash! I can't wait to see the end result! And I can't wait to show it to yall!...pray for them as well!
Imperius: I fully expect to meet you at the pearly gates little thief, and don't you dare disappoint me.
Phillipe: I'll meet you there father, even if I have to pick the lock.

Man I love this movie, and what a wonderful last line in the film. There is room in heaven, for thiefs, drunks, sex addicts, me, and even you too!! Praise to God!
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