Houston we have a problem...but it is a good problem...
Hello! Th3 Waters is going great! (I had to get that out of the way so no one freaks out, heh) But the first OG is going so well, that we are slowly becoming too large for really good discussion....so....we are going through the growing pains of birthing another OG! While each week we remind each other that we are not in existance for ourselves and that our purpose is to invite others to this community so that we will some day birth another OG....it is still hard. It is human nature to desire to continue to be with friends, but it is the nature of God to share this good news with this world as well. And the great news is that hopefully 1 or 2 times a month we will all get together every now and then do do some form of living out loud (IEEE mission work). So we will not always be apart!
The website guys are finishing Th3 Waters' logos. I know I know...yes they are finished...but they will be sending me an entire booklet with the regulations on how it is to be used and they will give us some black and white versions...etc.... And they will also be starting to send me a few possible web design possibilities for the website soon! woo hoo! I can't wait!
Apple just released a new update for the video editing software for the new laptop....GREAT news!!! So............ that means that I get to spend tons of time learning a new program and all the technical wording to do what I want the program to be able to do... I was just telling the staff I wish there was a basic video/filming class I could take around here (for free) to learn the basics and then go from there)...but I have plenty of friends that can teach me...it is just a matter of time to find out when I can meet with everyone!
Our huge Th3 Waters meeting is this Sunday 4th @ Florence UMC in the sanctuary from 3:00 pm til 4:30 pm. We hope that this will be a time that everyone in Florence can ask questions, but more importantly really start to get involved in Th3 Waters! The participation at this meeting will be a huge impact on Th3 Waters....so I can not express to yall enough the need for prayer for this meeting...and participation and support form Florence! The OG that we will start to plan and form at this meeting will be the future of Th3 Waters!
We have a new leader for Our prayer Ministry for Th3 Waters!!!!! Kathy Lee will be taking over for Val the Prayer Waves ministry! The Prayer Waves is a weekly email sent out to anyone who desires to be in prayer for Th3 Waters! KathyLee will be reading this blog and calling me to get weekly email updates out to anyone who desires to be in prayer for Th3 Waters! This transitions will be happening soon so if you want to be put on that list please just send me an email and I will be more than happy to put you on it! (dg@florenceumc.com) Thank you!
Well other than that I will be gone next week in Texas. (Tiffany and I are being ordained in full connection with the United Methodist Church!!!!) It will happen on the evening of the 9th...so we are excited about it..but also a little stressed out because of how import the summer is to Th3 Waters because that is when we are starting to throw the parties for the OGs....I know that my presence is never needed for God to work...but it is still a prayer concern on the back of my mind...and to top it all off....we will be gone again two weeks after next week! So I will only be here for around the total amount of 2 weeks in June! So...Needless to say it will be fun...getting back into the swing of things! So...lots of prayer needed there for my part as well!
Thank you all so much for your care and support and prayer for Th3 Waters! I can not tell you how much I love and cherish each and every one of yall! Take care, God bless, and KUTPs!!!!

Nanny McPhee: How's the reading coming along?
Evangeline: Oh... alright. I still haven't gotten to the end of the story, though.
Nanny McPhee: There's no need. You are the end of the story.
Funny how this could be true of each of our lives with The Bible! Is it your story? Are you a part of the story of God in this world? Why not live your life as if you are?! There is no telling how your life can change this world for God...might as well try and enjoy the ride!
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