Wow life is full!
Hello everyone! Th3 Waters is going and going well!
We are planning on birthing the 1st OG sometime in the next month (if summer allows for everyone's schedual to start calming down). We thought that we would have to birth earlier...but summer has taken it toll on regular attendace for that it has given us more time to work out how it will all happen!
Also we had our first OG party for another new OG in Crestview Hills (Northern KY)!!!!! woo hoo! We had at least 10 show up and several could not make it was wonderful to get to knw several new people and friends, as well! We are hopeing that we can have the next party in 1-2 weeks and then invite everyone for the experiment to start on a weekly basis for the first 7 weeks! Great news!
Other than that the website guys are very hard at work! It should not be too much longer until we have a basic site up and going and then it will just be a matter of filling it all in with info!
We have just this week transistioned the "2nd OG" into Th3 Waters Discussion Leaders Training meetings once a month! So that will free up a little of my Saturdays to be able to plan and prepare stuff! There are several people that attended the "2nd OG" that are slowly becoming leaders of thier own OGs!!! So they all desperatly need your prayers and support!
We also start filming Th3 Waters OG lessons this Saturday!!! So, needless to say we have a lot of work this week to write the scripts and get all the shots in and then to edit them all! We are hopeing to find out how long it will take to do all of this and to see if one month in advance will be enough time...or if we could make it shorter or need to make it longer.....
Lastly, we will be having our first Core Leadership Team meeting in August! This is the equilevant of a board of directors if we were a non-profit org...and since we are not...tey are going to be a rep. of the church that will listen to God and lead Th3 Waters in sacrifice, love, and prayer! Please pray for this group and for Bryan @ SLI....who will be the consultant organization that will be leading the group!
WE NEED YOUR PRAYER! Tell it one the montian top and the depths of the valley...that we need your prayers and the prayers of anyone else that desires to witness and be a part of the movement of God!
intel: You don't even know how to read!
Ragetti: It's the Bible, you get credit for trying!