Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wow work is fun...but there sure is a lot of it....

(image that came up when I typed in "organic gathering" in Goggle's image search, heh heh)

Well, the official next OG has started. We first met in Hooters, but now we have moved to The Pub @ Crestview Hills. We have changed about a few of the people that we started with..but the first of the seven weeks has started last night...and I must say it went wonderful!! Very very cool!!! I wish everyone could be a fly on the wall listening to our discussion, seeing everyone's head in agreement that they are excited to finally attempt to have a real authentic community that they can call their own and invite others to be a part of it! It was and is gong to be awesome!!!


The website is going very well, and I think we are done with the static image stuff and now DD is going to start the flash programming to see if the final product can look like the sample still images they have created for us to get the right look before they start the heavy lifting of coding in flash. Anyway...it looks great and we are all excited!


The Core leadership team has now had two meetings and they have come up with a covenant between each other, Th3 Waters, and God that we will all folow to the best of our ability! Over the course of the next year they will be taking the base Ministry Action Plan (M.A.P.) that I have developed of the last year and make any changes so that this ministry is not just from me...but from God's people in community!!! And I am so happy to see their excitement for God and Th3 Waters! It was so funny everyone showed up tired and warned us all that they might fall asleep, and we proceeded to watch a 30 min. TV clip and discussed it and everyone left happy and excited....not more sleepy!!! God is good!


I ask for prayer for the Pastor Core Team...because we are starting to sense a need for a few changes to make it what God desires for it to be...so please pray for us to be listening to God and following his direction for this team....nothing is wrong...just needs to be a little different, and so we are listening and desiring to follow God's leading!


Well, not much else other than Th3 Waters is going wonderful! It might not have the number of OGs that I would desire to have...but sometimes God has different ways of working than what I may have! (and the opportunity to have others is still available...so we are just loving to live and living to love!

Yall have a wonderful day/week/ etc.... And thank you all so much for your prayers!


"Isolde: Know that I love you Tristan. Wherever you go, whatever you see. I'll be there with you.
[His Last Words]
Tristan: You were right. I don't know if life is greater than death. But love was more than either."

Tristan & Isolde

This quote make me think of another quote from Erwin McManus, "Grief is proof that love is stronger than death"...because even after death love remains...and remains stronger! Heard it another way too...:

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13:12-13

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Long time no see...

Hey everyone:

Sorry I have been so bad about updating, but life is just crazy as of late! We have officially started the second organic Gathering. We have had our first two gatherings/parties @ Hooters, and now we have officially decided to meet @ The Pub in Crestview Hills! The reason is that one of the guy's wife did not like the fact we were meeting in Hooters. She understood why, but is much happier that we are meeting at the Pub. That way some of the guys and still drink and smoke, but we don't have to put up with Monday night football at a sports bar anymore. And yes, I did say they drink and smoke and that is exactly the kind of people that are attending this Organic Gathering!!! This is so amazing and wonderful!!! So anyway that is going and our first discussion gathering in this Monday night so please be in prayer for that!


Our website is slowly coming together! Man oh man I wish I could show yall the process they have gone through and the look of the site...but I can almost say without any doubt that it will be different than anything you have ever seen when it comes to websites! Yeah it is going to be that good. anyway....Please keep all the guys @ Design District in your prayers as they continue work on the site. I know they appreciate it!


the first OG is going great and we are slowly getting people to return from the summer on a regular basis...and we all had a great cook-out @ one of their houses on Sunday night! And man when it comes to Cornhole my game is either really good or really bad...oh well!


I am also working on a relationship with a worker 2 Starbucks in Crestview Hills to see if he would like to start an OG with me with some of his friends and co-workers...so keep that in your prayers as well!


Well, I am sure there is so much more I am forgetting, but I must go...take care and God bless yall! Thank you even more so for the prayers!!! They are greatly appreciated and this ministry would be nothing without them! Thank you and God bless!


Zee: Whatever issue you guys have, I'm sure it has letters and they make pills for it.

Monster House

I loved this movie and I must tell you that it might be too scary for small children...but what a great show! When it comes out on DVD (it is not out yet!) I highly recommend it...

Isn't it funny how when things are wrong in the world that it is the way of the world to just go let a Dr. look at it and fix it? I believe that the pastors of the past have become the Doctors of today. Funny how we as a culture have become more fearful of death than of God. Chew on that thought food!