Thursday, December 07, 2006

Th3 Waters & God

God is moving in th3 Waters: this last weekend we had th3 Waters Core Leadership Team monthy meeting, and I wish that everyone could be there for these times of visioning and prayer. The folks on this team could definitely use your prayers, as they are the 'core' of the leadership for Th3 waters:
Kathy Lee

We had a half a day to share about our dreams for this amazing experiment called Th3 Waters. How people's lives are being changed one at a time. How God is moving us each to do 'be' different because we've been a part of this experiment.

One of the things that we talked about was prayer strategies and I (Tiffany) shared how this blog is a definite thing that I had felt God leading me to do for the prayers of th3 Waters. I really do think that God is positioning people to really buckle down and pray for this ministry as we begin the next chapter in this rollercoaster, or should I say tidal wave! So I want all of you cyber prayer warriors, that you may never know the impact of your prayers, but that God IS at work and your prayers are a huge part of His work. Blessings.


At 12:11 PM, Blogger Ryan said...


Sounds like things are going really well and that God is moving.

Me and a buddy were in Bluffton, OH to listen to your reflections amidst plates of food and fingers of fury pastors trying to write down everything you said. It was awesome...:)

mind if I link this blog to mine? While I am part of a ministry co-op called Journey (with Trevor, who was also in Bluffton), my blog is really just mine that links to others with interesting perspectives and the like. Most of the links are folks from the Journey community or other folks I've bumped into in some form or another. Your's is a story I'd love for people to read about as it's happening.

Won't link till I hear from you.

Blessings, brother!


At 6:48 PM, Blogger DGH said...

No prob Ryan...I am honored that you asked.. of course you are more than welcome to link it anyway you want. Thanks!


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