Second OG still happening...just a little later, 3rd OG's 1st party next Monday, and website coming along....

Well, the 2nd OG is dealing with last minute vacations and family time until the summer they still desire to meet and experience the experiment, just on their own time...and that is great....they are supposed to happen naturally and no big deal....
The 3rd OG 1st party will be happening this coming Monday I am excited to be able to report next week how that went...please be in prayer that everyone invited can come! Even a few people that I have just met this week might be coming to it!
I have had a few emails from the guys doing the website and they are very excited about the way the site is coming along....
(side note....It is always a good thing when when the guys designing your website are excited about it)
Most web design people have to do what companies tell them to do...and most companies are not knowledgeable about design...and then the design companies sometimes would not even want to pt their name of the site they created...because it is so bad...but here is my philosophy when it comes to hiring website professionals to do work for you (this might be all across the board...and I am guess it is):
LET THEM DO THEIR JOB! What makes a CEO or a group of people think that they know design better than the company that does it for a living? They have gone to school for it. They continued the read the magazines and books on the let them have fun!
I have told them (DD Inc.) over and over soon as this becomes work then drop it and come back to it. I want them to have fun designing and working on the site....sure I want them to be challenged, but not with having to deal with me...but challenged to make them better at what they do. I am telling you IMHO (in my honest opinion) if they can pull off the looks that I have seen so far in a live website...then they really should be nominated for a Webby is going to be that cool and functional. Very exciting!!!
Well, that is about all for now...
other than that I am reading books galore to get a grasp on worship, communion, and where Th3 Waters fits into the history and practices of the UMC!
PLEASE keep up the prayers! Thank you and God bless you!
Ricky Bobby: Dear Lord Baby Jesus, I want to thank you for this wonderful meal, my two beautiful son's, Walker and Texas Ranger, and my Red-Hot Smokin' Wife, Carley
Carley Bobby: [raises hands] Woo!
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Mhmm!
Walker: [Along with Texas Ranger] Ow.

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
I really liked this movie..but this prayer time was a running joke about Ricky Bobby only praying to baby Jesus because that was his favorite Jesus.... it just cracks me up. I was reading The Emerging church by Dan Kimball and talking with John Choi Friday and I was reminded of the consumeristic church of today. So many churches have become consumeristic. They feel like they must compete with the world around them and so it becomes about how good the worship service is to those attending, instead of how good it was to God? Decisions are based upon what the congregation would like or want...when in reality it should be about God and that is where we should put our time and effort in designing worship to make the worship of God the key and how can we provide time and space to allow for that worship to occur at the core of people's lives? Baby Jesus indeed....because they might be some things in the life of Christ that you migt not like...but those are things that challege us and convict us...and invite us into a deeper relationship with God and with others. How is your worship of God?